Website design is constantly evolving and it’s important that your practice stays on top of things. At Optuno we say goodbye to DIY (Do It Yourself) and hello to DBO (Done By Optuno). We understand that you’re busy being a dentist and marketing isn’t something you really need to handle in-house. We’ve broken down the time-consuming process of website design to create an agency style system where our websites are designed and maintained FOR You, Not BY You.


1 - Build A Responsive Website

Responsive websites are the standard rather than the future nowadays. Approximately 60% of all search traffic is performed on mobile devices while many searches are performed on tablets and desktops.

Check Out Some of the Websites We’ve Built in Your Industry

The bottom line is that your website should display properly on any screen for every device. All of our websites are fully responsive which ensures the best visitor experience and adheres to Google’s search engine guidelines.

2 - Make Sure Your Website Loads Quickly

It’s important that your dental website loads quickly. This is important because studies have shown that the attention span of website visitors is getting shorter by the day. The best way to speed up your site is to use the smallest image files possible without sacrificing quality and clarity. In addition, it helps to have videos embedded from third party sites when appropriate.

All of our websites are hosted and protected in-house through our sister company, EndLayer, LLC. The data center is built to the highest standards – with N+1 power and cooling redundancy, anti-static flooring, wet and pre-action fire protection and advanced proximity and biometric security controls. This amounts to indefinite safety, speed, and security for your website.

3 - Format Your Site With A User Friendly Menu

It’s important that your dental website is easy to navigate. You want a user friendly, interactive menu for both the mobile and desktop versions of your site. Navigation is important because it allows website visitors to quickly browse your site. Some visitors might just be looking for a new dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning but others may be looking at cosmetic work, implant dentistry, etc. It’s important that your menu is user friendly and makes every important page on your site accessible to viewers.

All of our websites are developed with user friendly, responsive menu layouts that ensure all of your important content is reachable and organized. Gone are the days of broken menus, disorganized sites, and difficulty adding pages. Using our proprietary closed source CMS, we are able to add pages, update your menu, and more with the click of a button.

4 - Always Use Unique Content Throughout The Site

Many marketing companies try to build “plug and play” websites for a monthly subscription but BEWARE of duplicate content. Duplicate content is material that is copied and pasted used across many different sites. It’s important that every page of your website is completely unique. Don’t sign up for a subscription marketing service where they use the same content on every site and customize a few posts for your business such as your “about us” page or a few blog posts.

Duplicate content is harmful to your website and can result in heavy penalties from search engines. It’s important to either take the time to build out custom content for your website or just bite the bullet and have an experienced copywriter take care of the legwork. We have experienced copywriters that can help you generate custom content for your website for a nominal fee per page. This is a great way to outline all the services you offer and create custom content that serves as long term infrastructure for your site.

Don’t ever let third party marketing services use intellectual property as a way to control your dental practice. Your website should be 100% yours which is one of our core values at Optuno. If you have an existing marketing company that is holding you hostage with their “copyright protected” photos, videos, or content, feel free to reach out. We can always help you redesign your website, update your content, and get rid of unfair obligations.

5 - Properly Utilize Your Blog

Blogs are a crucial part of your site as they often serve as the heartbeat of your website. Active blogs show that your website and business are up to date and engaged. In addition, blogs are a great marketing tool and the stats support it. Did you know that featuring a blog on your website gives your website a 434% chance of being better ranked on search engines? This isn’t just an empty statistic. Marketers who use blogs as a part of their content strategy receive 67% more leads than those who don’t.

Blogs are a great way to mention new procedures you are offering at your clinic as well as any relevant news, awards, etc. It’s helpful to post to your blog on a monthly basis but if you don’t have the time, we understand. This is exactly why we offer a Premium Blog Writing Service to help keep your website up to date with monthly posts.

6 - Include Before & After Photos of Cosmetic Dentistry

For cosmetic dentistry, before and after photos are paramount for building trust and landing big cases. Instead of just dumping all your photos into a single gallery, it helps to have multiple galleries throughout your website that correspond with the correct operation. It definitely takes a few minutes to take great photos but if your patient gives you permission, there is no reason not to show off their beautiful smile. Optuno has a variety of gallery styles and image modules that we can incorporate onto your website so it’s fully customized.

7 - Feature Reviews

It’s important to feature reviews on your website but your typical slider with 5 testimonials won’t really set you apart. Optuno has a testimonial module that can help you integrate real reviews from accredited third party sites onto your website. Reviews from third party sites show much better than random testimonials.

In addition to building out a custom page to feature testimonials, our Review Generator can help you generate more reviews than ever before. This is a service we offer exclusively to Optuno clients that works really well.

8 - Utilize On-Page SEO

It’s important to utilize best practices for on page search optimization of your dental website. These practices include a functional layout, relevant and geographically specific Meta titles and descriptions, and more. It’s important to have your website audited by a specialist before diving into major changes.


9 - Include a Doctor Bio

A doctor’s biography is more than just a statement of credentials; it makes your site personable and your practice approachable. It’s important to have a great head shot and some information about your education, experience, specialties, etc.

If you would like to take things a step further, you can include team members on your page. If you have some star employees that have been a part of your team for a long time, there’s no harm in including them on your site. As a doctor, you are typically the last person a patient will see when they walk through the door and sit in the waiting room. Establishing familiarity and rapport with your staff is important in establishing positive interactions clients, repeat business, and facilitating reviews.

10 - Display a Call To Action

What good is a website if it doesn’t generate leads? A CTA (Call To Action) is what prompts website visitors to contact you, schedule an appointment, or just “take action.” It’s important that your website contains a CTA that is accessible on every page so you can capitalize on website visitors and convert them into patients.

To speak to a member of our dedicated sales team, give us a call today at 1-888-678-8662 or click here to schedule a free consultation.